Miss E. was so quiet for the entire session. She didn’t open her eyes once! Maggie and Jason are so in love with their little girl. I always LOVE to hear a new father talk baby talk to his little girl – to whisper “I love you” in her little ear, and nuzzle his scratchy face against her soft, new skin. Jason was no exception to the spell that little girls cast over their Daddies.
This is a REALLY long post. I was tempted to post more photos because I loved every moment of this session, but I want Maggie and Jason to have some photos that are a surprise when they receive their album!
Congratulations! Miss E. is sooo beautiful. Enjoy. Enjoy. Enjoy.
Love her perfect little lips…
Big smiles for Dad!
New moms always worry about the baby’s dry skin and the umbilical cord which has usually not fallen off by the session. They always ask if they should get some lotion, or cover up the little belly. Some photographers would airbrush the dry skin, or cover up the cord, but I think my favourite shots are the ones that show these fleeting characteristics unique to newborns. I am fascinated with the fact that a little baby was nourished for almost an entire year through the umbilical cord. This miracle never ceases to amaze me – even after giving birth to my own little girl. I love the little distended bellies of newborns, and the way you can see their quick uneven breaths. This shot of Miss E.’s little belly just as it is right now is my favourite from the session…
Thanks to my dear, talented friend Michelle for making me the lovely little diaper cover…
When Maggie first contacted me about the session, she was sure to warn me that she “takes HORRIBLE photos!” I’m sorry Maggie, but I really don’t think I can agree with you…
I love them!!!!!! These pictures are wonderful!!!!!